Social Media Hacks You Need To Learn For 2020

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If you’re not doing Social Media marketing for your business, then you’re making a big mistake.

It’s already the modern age and social media is the current big tool to market your business or your services.

However, if you’re new to this, you must be wondering how to perfectly execute social media marketing.

Well, to be honest, there’s no perfect formula. Everything on the internet changes so fast, that the current viral content today will be expired by next week.

So how do you conquer Social Media? We can start with the basics — schedule posting.

Here are some infographics on when’s the best day and time to post on the biggest social media platforms today.


A business page on Facebook gives you a way to communicate directly with your target audience. Think of it as an ongoing focus group. Your fans are there because they are aware of your company and want to learn more. While they certainly are expecting to receive useful information from your Facebook page, you can also collect helpful details from them through their participation.


Being a small business owner, it becomes essential for you to build brand awareness. Twitter allows you to connect with new users with its promotional ads. You can select demographic and run ads to reach out to the new audience.


Instagram is a visual platform to help you form a more personal connection with customers. You can share pictures and videos of your team and happy customers to engage your audience. A visual feed can reflect your brand’s uniqueness and differentiate your business.


LinkedIn Company Pages used to be viewed primarily as HR landing pages for brands. Though this is still one way to use LinkedIn, the network is also becoming the perfect place to drive business results, raise brand awareness, promote career opportunities, and educate potential customers on your products and services.

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn are the top platforms of today.

However, this may change in a few years, especially when TikTok is on the rise and more platforms will sure to follow.

So, what should be the wise decision to keep up with the latest updates? Hire a Social Media VA! But make sure that the VAs you’re hiring are up to date with the latest news, events, and trends so you can keep up with the trends as well.

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