Enhance Your Pinterest Presence with a VA


Is Pinterest one of your favorite websites for getting lost virtually? You find an interesting post that leads to others on the same topic, then something completely different catches your eye. Before you know it, you can’t remember what you were looking for in the first place! As a creative businessperson doing Pinterest marketing, you want to be on the “found” side of consumer searches and not lost in the shuffle from Pin to Pin. If you’re not a Pinterest expert or you don’t have a lot of time to focus on dealing with your Pinterest boards, hire an experienced virtual assistant (VA) to manage your Pinterest account.

Hiring an expert virtual assistant handle to your Pinterest presence has several key benefits:

  • You get relief from doing the task of managing your boards and Pins.
  • You can take advantage of a specialist’s expertise that can help your presence grow.
  • You can focus on your creative business and put your attention to other work tasks or enjoyable activities.

You’ll need to invest time in finding VA candidates and hiring the one that can help your business most.

Show Me the Results

How do you know what makes the best VA for you? Find someone that promotes themselves as a Pinterest expert or specialist and that can demonstrate proven results. When you find interesting candidates for your position, explore both their experience and results. Have they increased followers’ pins for a client? Have they boosted repins? Have they helped to increased follower traffic to clients’ sites?  To validate candidates’ claims, ask for the details on their former clients as well as references to validate their claims.

Only the Good Get Hired

Any VA you hire should have a set of general skills that show hard work, attention to detail, and dedication to your account. Several specific skills separate the good Pinterest VA’s from the rest:

  • Keyword master: Keywords play a critical role in Pinterest. Once your VA learns your account, the person should be able to develop ideas for additional memorable keywords that will be memorable for Pinterest searchers. Users will find your posts through keywords added to your images and hashtags, so having a keyword master is invaluable.
  • Board management wizard: Users who follow one of your boards may be interested in following you for other content, but not all users do this. You’ll want a VA who can create more boards for you, using your keywords as a guide. Virtual assistants with this skill will curate content that’s consistent with your business goals, which will increase traffic to your boards overall.
  • Image hotshot: Graphic designs, fonts, templates, brand guidelines – these go into creating branded images for all your posts and your website. Find a VA who can use these skills and tools well to give your brand one look across all media.
  • Writing ninja: Like your images, you want your brand to come across consistently through the written word, including the text attach to each Pin. The text should describe the content perfectly and distinctively.

During the interview process, ask VA candidates to provide samples of their work for you. Ask them to create sample work including words and images based on a post and information you provide. It will give you a better idea of what you’ll be getting and whether a candidate is a match for your business needs.

READ: Advantages Of Hiring A Virtual Assistant

Finding the Right VA for You

A virtual assistant who can capture the essence of your business in words and images and manage your account effectively will help you grow while improving your workload. Take time to find the VA with the right skill set and work ethic. You’ll be more productive and will reap the benefits of an enhanced Pinterest presence for your creative business.

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