Custom Automated Assistant

Stay connected with your customers instantly in the messaging apps they already use with Life of Automation’s Automated Assistant.

Connect with Customers in Real-Time via  
Web Chat
Facebook Messenger

A Custom Automated Assistant

For a Simple Monthly Price


Why you need to have an Automated Assistant of your own

Get more leads

People are 3x more likely to engage with chat vs. website forms.

Get more sales

Communicate with your hottest leads right now.

Build customer relationships

75% of customers say they’d rather message with businesses than email or call.

What You Can Do With The World's Best Automated Assistants

Write Bots That Work In Web Chat, SMS & Facebook

Create chatbot conversations and funnels that work in not one but multiple messaging apps

Cut Customer Care Costs

Instantly respond to customers with low-cost chat bots, while urgent chats route to live agents

See Convos Accross Messaging Apps In One Inbox

Respond to web chat, Facebook and SMS messages from one inbox on desktop and mobile app

Chat Blast To Facebook & SMS Chat Leads

Send notifications, updates, and promos to chatbot contacts in Facebook Messenger & SMS with +80% open rates

Upgrade Facebook Ads

Switch to click-to-Messenger Facebook Ads and Sponsored Message ads for instant lead capture and automated follow-up

Agency Client Management

Get unlimited pages, user administration and analytics reports for teams with MobileMonkey Team plan

#1 Chat WordPress Plugin

WP-Chatbot brings the power of custom automated chat bots for Facebook, native web chat and SMS into WordPress

Leverage AI For User Intent

AI matches multi-channel chatbot content to user intent via keywords and interactions

Grow Your Contact List

Built-in lead magnets to generate chat marketing leads include scan codes, landing pages, buttons and checkboxes

Auto-respond To Facebook Comments

Run contests, promotions and quizzes with instant lead capture using Facebook post autoresponders

Automate Onsite Chat With Both Web Chat & Facebook Chat Options

Appointment setting and instant FAQs that retain customer chat history, and work for users signed into Facebook — or not!

Take Over Any Time With Live Chat Agents

Engage seamless bot-to-human hand-off when a customer or lead needs a live human representative, managed through the Custom Automated Chat inbox 

Segment Your Audience

Tag people and segment in demographic and interest-based audiences

Create Conversion Funnels

Hot leads chatting with your bot? Get notified via email, SMS, and more

Get Alerts On Quality Leads

Built-in lead magnets to generate chat marketing leads include scan codes, landing pages, buttons and checkboxes

Nurture Leads With Drip Campaigns

Educate and nurture with better engagement and interaction than email

Score & Qualify Leads

Create chatbot funnels that ask questions to learn about leads and see if you’re a good fit

Integrate Business Applications

Connect your business systems — CRM, email, webinar, order fulfillment and more!

What Customers Have To Say

“A few weeks ago, I set my Automated Chat Bot Assistant to the task of helping me sell tiny homes for a client. Flipping the switch on FB ads to generate leads through Messenger started with cautious optimism. But, oh boy, did it pay off!

Within the first 24 hours, there were a dozen new leads. And by day 3, four of them had initial sales calls about purchasing a tiny home.

Messenger Marketing might sound like a strange channel for selling a home (or life insurance or health coaching or any number of other products or services)…

But if you follow the rule “connect with your audience wherever they hang out online,” then Messenger is an obvious choice.”


-Annette B.

Frequently Asked Questions

Automated Chat Bot Assistant is Life of Automation’s patent pending technology that allows marketers to write automated chat marketing conversations that work across multiple chat apps.

Chat marketers write automated chat conversations designed to answer user questions while helping the business sell their products and services. You may be familiar with email drip campaigns and email blast automations. Similarly, common chat marketing campaigns include chat drip campaigns and chat blasts. 

Automated Chat Bot Assistant translates chat marketing campaigns to all the messaging apps customers and leads already use. Chat blasts and drip campaigns can be executed in SMS/MMS (text message) and Facebook Messenger simultaneously.

Whether a customer or lead messages a businesses Facebook business page, website chat or SMS opt-in, that user will engage in the automated conversation funnel (i.e. chat marketing campaign) designed to educate and nurture their relationship with the business.

Automated Chat Bot Assistant by Life of Automation addresses the need of businesses and marketers to simplify the task of creating and responding to the inbound chat inquiries that originate from different sources.

Automated Chat Bot Assistant also extends the reach of chat marketing campaigns by giving marketers the ability to reach prospects and customers on multiple messaging apps from one campaign.

The Automated Chat Bot Assistant inbox is a single unified inbox for seeing all conversations happening across chat apps. It allows businesses the seamless management of all replies from all chat marketing, and for a live agent to jump into the conversation.

Automated Chat Bot Assistant technology translates every chatbot conversation and chat marketing funnel you create to each of the supported messaging platforms.

You only design conversations, lead forms, funnels and customer support FAQs once. From there, Automated Chat Bot Assistant triples your chat marketing campaign reach with three channels — SMS, native web chat, and Facebook Messenger. More popular chat channels will be added throughout the year.

Automated Chat Bot Assistant features a multi-channel chat inbox with advanced customer care features including:

✓ Conversations from Facebook Messenger, SMS and native web chat in a unified inbox
✓ Automated notifications of conversations that need follow up
✓ Ability to assign live agents to customer inquiries
✓ Ability to tag contacts to add them to audiences for follow-up chat automation campaigns

Automated Chat Bot Assistant features StartBots, conversation dialogues that can be launched on multiple channels, managed from the Automated Chat Bot Assistant all-in-one inbox where they can be seen and responded to from one place — no matter what messaging platform they originate from.

Automated Chat Bot Assistant by Life of Automation allows you to consolidate SMS, Messenger, and Web Chat all in one place. The foundation of Automated Chat Bot Assistant is a unified inbox that merges customer communications across messaging apps in one place.

Another key to Automated Chat Bot Assistant effectiveness is a multiplatform chatbot builder called StartBots. StartBots allow you to write content once and use it on every platform.

With StartBots, it’s easier than ever to create conversational flows that lead the user to a conclusion while collecting user data and saving responses to various attributes.

The conversations created using StartBots will work the same no matter what platform they are accessed from: Facebook Messenger, Web Chat, or SMS.

Using Automated Chat Bot Assistant, a business can install a website chatbot widget that connects to both Facebook Messenger and native web chat.

When given a choice between email, phone, and chat, more people choose chat for customer service and to get quick answers to their questions.

With embedded chat on a website, a business can leverage benefits including:

✓ Increase conversion rates up to 45%
✓ 24/7 instant customer service response
✓ Instant answers to customer questions using chatbots
✓ Service customers with no wait time
✓ Reduce costs through automation
✓ Reduce staffing costs
✓ Provide a mobile-friendly user experience
✓ Create lasting contacts

 Automated Chat Bot Assistant website widgets are always mobile-friendly and adapt to whether site visitors are signed into Facebook Messenger or not. If a site visitor is not signed in to Facebook Messenger, the Automated Chat Bot Assistant website chat widget will display native web chat. If the site visitor is signed in to Facebook Messenger, the website chat widget will display as Messenger chat.

This way, customers have options that make sense for them to communicate with businesses. And businesses only need to create one website chat widget that services site visitors in the messaging channel that makes sense.

hort message service (SMS) marketing uses text messages to increase customer engagement and sales.

SMS marketing is an effective way to promote your brand or products to an audience who regularly communicates with others using their smartphones (in other words, basically everyone).

An SMS campaign could include coupon offers to reward loyal customers or bring new customers into the store.

Marketers can use SMS marketing to promote contests in an effort to gain new leads and increase customer loyalty.

Businesses can also send out SMS polls to learn about customers and their preferences, and tailor future communications according to their interests.

Businesses can also promote sales or events through SMS messages.

An SMS Bot is a chatbot or software application you can develop to support conversational content via text messaging. SMS is the most widely used feature on mobile devices, with 97 percent of U.S. adults using it at least once a day.

With an SMS Bot, you can develop a conversational interface that helps answer customer questions, handle responses and, ultimately, drive engagement without the need for downloading a messaging application. Chatbots leverage natural language processing (NLP), which makes it easier to design interactive conversations.

SMS chatbots are used by marketers to send mass messages including surveys, promotions and customer care updates to relevant customers regarding their respective transactions.

SMS chatbots can also be programmed to accept the customer’s text replies, usually relying on a programmed menu of options (e.g., “Type ‘CONFIRM’ to confirm your appointment tomorrow or call us to reschedule.”) to further the conversation.

Text messaging is the fastest way to communicate with customers on a personal level. SMS chatbots make it easier to engage with your audience in order to drive customer loyalty and sales.

With the majority of consumers already using SMS, marketers that integrate chat bots as intelligent assistants and automation can provide consumers with effortless and seamless personal assistance at their fingertips.

Many consumers are familiar with text messages from their service providers. Additionally, brands can use texting for more immediate sales-related offers such as vouchers, discounts, promotions and even personalized birthday messages.

Not only do chatbots help businesses personally answer large volumes of common questions, they also enable companies to meet consumers’ growing preferences to solve problems via messaging versus waiting on hold to talk with a company representative.

  • Chatbots make customer service available 24/7.
  • Chatbots save time and money.
  • Chatbots reduce people-to-people interactions with customers.
  • Chatbots reduce stress for consumers.
  • Chatbots eliminate Interactive Voice Response systems.

Nearly every type of industry uses SMS marketing to some degree. The top 10 industries using SMS marketing include:

  • Retail
  • Restaurants and Hotels
  • Real Estate
  • Finance
  • Travel Industry
  • Healthcare Industry
  • Nonprofit
  • Organizations
  • Recruiting Agencies and HR
  • Salons
  • Insurance Agencies

Various sources report SMS open and response rates as high as 98% and 45%, respectively. Email open and response rates, on the other hand, are 20% and 6 percent. And, on average, it takes 90 seconds for someone to respond to a text, and 90 minutes to respond to an email.

In recent surveys, 75% of people have suggested that they would be happy to receive an offer via SMS. 65% of marketers say that SMS marketing is an effective method. 85% of adults check their emails on a daily basis, and about 81% of American adults use SMS each day.

SMS is more popular among younger generations. 18- to 24-year-olds receive and send an average of 128 texts per day, compared to just 16 for those aged 55 and over.

There are a number of instances where SMS marketing will help maximize your ROI, including when you’re sending out:

  • Deals and coupons
  • Meaningful content that’s straight to the point
  • Information to keep customers in the loop
  • Personal alerts, e.g. notifications and account updates
  • Quick access to important information
  • Information to customers who don’t want to visit apps or websites

When a business of any size, from small to enterprise, begins using SMS as a customer communication channel, they are likely going to require mass messaging and automation capabilities. This is where chatbots come into SMS communication with customers.

Of course, there are small businesses that text with customers one-on-one. It’s not uncommon for office administrators to send out text reminders to that week’s appointments.

But as soon as you want to send automated messages — including order updates, appointment reminders — or message everyone on your list about a special sale, then you’re looking to SMS chatbots to do the work.

Can SMS chatbots have back and forth conversations with customers over text? Yes, to the degree that you program the conversation. We recommend providing a decision tree for the SMS recipient, such as “type ‘1’ for yes”.

Give SMS subscribers a clear call-to-action for the appropriate response in the text conversation.

Can SMS chatbots have back and forth conversations with customers over text? Yes, to the degree that you program the conversation.

However, we recommend providing a decision tree for the SMS recipient, such as “type ‘1’ for yes”.

Give SMS subscribers a clear call-to-action for the appropriate response in the text conversation.

SMS marketing campaign analytics are readily trackable within MobileMonkey chatbot analytics. Identifying customers engaging via text message and monitoring delivery rates are all possible with MobileMonkey OmniChat tools. By using these analytics, businesses can create further targeted campaigns and continually build a better understanding of their mobile database. 

Additionally, campaign success may also be measured by the number of coupon code redemptions for promotions. You may also review the average order value of customers redeeming SMS promotions to measure campaign effectiveness.

SMS is also a great channel to get feedback from your customers via surveys. Research shows that on average 31% of consumers will respond to a survey via SMS with the average response time for users being just over 5 minutes.

By profiling and segmenting out numbers that are least likely to respond by SMS, they save money and improve ROI when engaging with those customers via other marketing channels. 

Facebook Messenger marketing is the use of Facebook Messenger chat as a communication channel with prospective customers. Facebook Messenger marketing is a lot like email marketing. Except instead of using email to send promotions and drip campaigns, it’s all done using Facebook Messenger and largely with Facebook Messenger chatbots. 

Everything that’s possible with email is also possible with Facebook Messenger marketing. Except when you use Facebook Messenger, you can do a lot more with email, and you can do it faster. Plus, the engagement rates are far higher than normal email engagement rates. 

Facebook messenger marketing with chatbots provide enormous power for marketers. In fact, MobileMonkey enables businesses to build a free chatbot that is interactive, meaning that the Messenger bot can ask questions, get information, segment customer types, and get a wide variety of information from the customer. 

The concept behind Facebook Messenger marketing is simple — it’s a marketing channel that uses Facebook Messenger. And the applications are immense and promise a huge new opportunity for marketers in any industry. 

A chatbot is a computer program that launches specific events or conversations. A Facebook Messenger chatbot does all of this on a Facebook Messenger specifically. Don’t let the term chatbot cause you to misunderstand the nature of these bots. 

Many chatbots simulate human conversation through a conversational interface (CUI). Chatbots are web or mobile conversational user interfaces and make it possible for humans to interact with computers in a more natural way. Facebook Messenger chatbots can be programmed to function as conversational interfaces. 

Yes, chatbots can chat with you, similar to how you’d chat online with a human. But bots can do more than just chat. Chatting is simply the framework that the bot uses to prompt a whole lot of other interactions. Many of the sequences and chatbot tools in MobileMonkey are less about chatting and more about selecting options. 

Messenger marketing chatbot services are the biggest marketing channel that has opened up in the past ten years. We predict that it will remain the hottest channel for the next decade or longer. 

Early adopters — those who tend to pick up on new technology quickly — will be the ones who benefit the most from Facebook messenger bots. By 2020, 85% of customer-business communication will not require any human communication from the business. Messenger marketing allows marketers to stay ahead of the curve and gain the most value right now. 

To use a chatbot on Facebook Messenger, you’ll first need a Facebook Business page. Then the rest will be worked by the Automated Assistant.

The primary benefit of using Facebook Messenger marketing is that it allows you to reach a large number of potential customers at scale on a personal messaging platform. Messenger apps are one of the largest marketing channels and they have the highest effectiveness rates.

To maximize the impact of Facebook Messenger marketing it’s essential to use Facebook Messenger chatbots. Chatbots allow you to execute and automate marketing tactics such as drip campaigns, chat blasts, surveys, and customer service functions. A single Messenger bot or chat blast takes a few minutes to make but can reach tens of thousands of people individually. 

Beyond reaching customers at scale, Facebook Messenger marketing has very high click-through and engagement rates — 10x to 80x better than conventional Facebook display ads or email marketing. 

Nearly every type of industry and vertical is using Facebook Messenger marketing to some degree. The functionality of Messenger marketing is useful for any type of business — B2C, B2B, selling products, or service.

Increasingly, many influencers are also using Facebook Messenger marketing with chatbots. By creating a Facebook Business page, influencers integrate Messenger bot functionality, build chatbots, and reach fans at an unprecedented scale. 

The top twenty industries using our Automated  Chat Bots Assistant are as follows:

  • Product/Service
  • Consulting Agency
  • Real Estate Agent
  • Community
  • Public Figure
  • Education
  • Entrepreneur
  • Website
  • Health/Beauty
  • Advertising/Marketing
  • Clothing (Brand)
  • Shopping & Retail
  • Marketing Agency
  • Internet Marketing Service
  • Internet Company
  • Business Service
  • Social Media Agency
  • Nonprofit Organization
  • Advertising Agency

Facebook Messenger bots allow you to achieve massive scale. If you were to attempt to reach out and reply to all your customers on Facebook Messenger individually, it would be impossible.

You can send Messenger bots to thousands of recipients at once, and automatically reply to each inquiry

Facebook Messenger bots also have high read rates and click through rates, much higher than email and conventional Facebook ads.

These are the average read and open rates of our users:

  • Average read rate in Facebook Messenger: 80
  • Average click-through rate in Facebook Messenger: 20%

Facebook subscription messaging is a tool provided through Facebook that allows businesses to send regular messages to people on their contact list. It’s called subscription messaging, because the recipient agrees to be subscribed to the Facebook Business page that is sending the message.

Business Pages must apply for subscription messaging from their page settings and receive manual approval from Facebook. Once approved, business are allowed to send non-promotional messages to their subscribers.

Facebook Messenger ads are native Facebook ads that have “Send Message” as the call to action. They look just like conventional Facebook ads, but when users click through, they are invited to send a message and join your Messenger contact list. Typically, this launches a Facebook Messenger bot sequence with the new contact that helps to drive conversions.

It might be better to ask what can a Facebook Messenger chatbot not do? The easy answer is Facebook Messenger chatbots can do a whole lot. But a more thorough answer is as follows:

Broadly, Facebook Messenger bots can do these things:

  • Grow your contact list
  • Segment users according to type/interest/size, etc.
  • Replace a large portion of customer service requests and inquiries
  • Interact with customers using in an instant and interactive one-on-one platform
  • Onboard customers
  • Lead nurturing
  • And a whole lot more…

Specifically, Facebook Messenger bots can do these things:

  • Change a reservation or flight time – Sure, we can change your flight time. You prefer the 12p flight 1981 from ATL to LGA?
  • Check a reservation status – Yes, we still have the Queen Anne penthouse suite reserved for you on Saturday. Check-in time is at 3 pm.
  • Get weather updates – “Do I need to bring an umbrella?” “Yes, you’ll want to bring it with you to work today. There’s a 75% chance of scattered showers through 10 pm tonight.”
  • Send order confirmation — Your order is confirmed! Delivery time is 2-4 business days.
  • Provide order updates — Your order is out for delivery and will arrive by 8pm
  • Find specific products — Let’s find the right lipstick color for you. How would you describe your complexion?
  • Track purchase history – Here’s a complete list of your purchases over the last 90 days.
  • Ping customers on their birthday – Hey, we wanted to wish you a happy birthday! How about choosing a getaway for just you and someone special this month?
  • Order a pizza – Yep, we’ll get that in the oven. One 15” supreme headed your way — 1280 Lakeshore Drive, Apt B3. See you at 5:15 pm!
  • Surveys — What do you think about the state of hot air balloon racing today? Want to take our two-minute survey?
  • Customer segmentation — Are you an agency or solopreneur? What’s your MRR? What’s your AOV?
  • Schedule real estate showings — Sounds like you want to take a look at our rental located at 18 North Ave. What time works for you over the next seven days?
  • Select a meeting time — Melissa would be happy to schedule a free, live online consultation. Select from the following times.

You just need to get our service and we will be the one to set up it.

You can automate Facebook Messenger marketing by using Messenger bots. To use bots, simply create a MobileMonkey account, connect your Facebook Business page, and you’re set. Automating Facebook Messenger is one of the most powerful marketing moves that a modern business can make. Life of Automation makes this process simple, fast, straightforward, and at a very low cost.

Yes. Most customers today prefer messaging businesses, as opposed to calling or emailing them. Most businesses have taken heed, and are using some form of live chat to service their customers.

The only way to deliver ultra-fast and scalable response times on the messaging platform where your customers are most likely to interact is by creating a chatbot. Man businesses choose to create an automatic Facebook Messenger responder. When the customer clicks “Send Message,” the page automatically responds by acknowledging the inquiry.

The superior method of responding to your customer is with an entire bot sequence. A sequence will lead customers through a logical chain of events, much the same way that a telephone menu provides a series of options that a customer can work through to receive the help or answers they need.

Facebook Messenger is an app that allows users to exchange messages, similar to text messaging, using an online connection. Messenger chat is only one component of Facebook Messenger. Users can have voice calls, video calls, group voice/video calls, use photo filters, send attachments, voice messages, and a wide variety of other features.

Facebook Messenger chatbots expand this functionality by allowing users to answer questions and surveys, sign up for events, secure tickets, get shipping updates, and a lot of other helpful information.

Your Business Page will not get banned. However, you can have your page messaging capabilities limited or suspended if you abuse Messenger and get tons of complaints. Even if your Business Page’s use of Messenger is banned, that doesn’t impact other facebook marketing channels like your Page, Facebook group, Facebook ads, Instagram, etc.

The most common reason for a Facebook Page being restricted from some Messenger capabilities is when a lot of people start blocking your Messenger bot. If this happens, your Page will receive a message from Facebook that reads like this:

Limits have been placed on [Facebook Business Page name]
This page is restricted from the use of message tags, subscription and broadcast messaging, and sponsored messages. Your page will still be able to respond to messages according to standard messaging permissions.

To get the ban lifted, you’ll need to write a request to Facebook. It can take them a long time to respond, since Facebook Messenger bans are administered and reviewed manually (at the time of writing.)

Again, there is no chance of your page getting banned from Facebook due to Messenger violations. The limitations come in the form of Messenger capabilities (usually message tags, subscription and broadcast messaging, and sponsored messages).

The reason why a page receives this penalty is typically due to high block rates. If users are blocking your page, this signals to Facebook that you’re doing something with Messenger that is annoying your users.

There are three possible reasons:

  1. The user doesn’t know how to unsubscribe from receiving messages, so they choose the block option.
  2. You are sending messages too frequently.
  3. Users do not like the content of your messages.

To avoid being banned on Facebook Messenger, keep a close eye on your block rate. If this begins to increase, try to determine why it might be the case.

The block rate in Facebook Messenger is the percentage of people who choose to block your chatbot in order to discontinue receiving your Messenger messages.

  • The average block rate is 1-2%. A few people are always going to block you, regardless of what you do. 
  • When your block rate creeps to 3-5%, you’ll want to be careful and adjust whatever you’re doing that may be causing those block rates to increase. 
  • Anything above 5% is a cause for concern. 

Although there is no “official” percentage at which Facebook will ban your page on Messenger, our studies show that Pages are at risk of being banned when block rates hit 8%.

From your Facebook Business page, click “Insights,” then “Messages.” Your block rate will appear as a percentage number at the top of the page next to the number of messaging connections you have.

When you start using Facebook Messenger marketing and Facebook Messenger chatbots specifically, you’ll want to check this number on a weekly basis to make sure that your block rates are staying below 3%.

Be sure to toggle the dates to understand how your block rates average out over a weekly, monthly, and quarterly basis. Weekly fluctuations above 3% might happen, especially if you’ve engaged in an aggressive chatbot marketing effort, but if it stays above that rate for a longer period of time, you should make adjustments.

The most important thing to do is provide your users with a clear unsubscribe message anytime you start sending a bot sequence. The first thing you should say in any sequence is “Reply with STOP to unsubscribe.”

This advice applies to users you are inviting to your Messenger contact list for the first time and recipients that are accustomed to receiving your messages. Offering unsubscribe instructions creates an easy way for users to opt out without resorting to blocking you. Plus, it provides a sense of safety, knowing they have a recourse to withdraw from the message sequence if they want to.

Here are some additional tips for reducing the likelihood of your page being blocked:

  • Moderate the pace of your Messenger bots. Sending a dozen or so messages in a few minutes time is probably too many for most users.
  • Monitor the tone of your messages. Anything strident or annoying will probably result in a few blocks.
  • Schedule messages at times that are convenient for your users (not 2 in the morning).
  • Always provide clear instructions on how to unsubscribe from the Messenger sequence.

Each of these capabilities is supported in MobileMonkey, and are easy to implement in any Facebook Messenger chatbot.

Not yet. According to indications from Facebook, you should be able to use chatbots on Instagram and Whatsapp in 2020, or at some point after Facebook merges all three messaging platforms — Messenger, WhatsApp, ad Instagram.

No. Facebook Messenger bots only work with business pages. It’s easy to set up a Facebook Business page, and you can use your Business Page for a lot of different purposes — even as your own personal brand page. Once you have a Facebook Business Page, you can do as many things with Messenger chatbots as you want.

A marketing bot is a computer program that can interact with humans to provide marketing services that were traditionally handled by people. They are often called chatbots. In reality, bots do far more than just chat with humans. The most effective bots in use today are Facebook Messenger bots. Facebook Messenger bots can effectively replace hundreds of thousands of hours of time that would be required to interact individually with customers over Facebook Messenger.

The best chatbot service for websites are Facebook Messenger chatbots because they make the interaction easy, fast, and automated, and persistently on multiple devices. Many websites use integrated chatbots, but the conversation lives and dies on the website. Facebook Messenger allows people to become a contact in perpetuity, and keeps the conversation going indefinitely. It’s easy to install a Facebook Messenger chat widget on a website using the WordPress plugin, WP-Chatbot.

The best AI chatbots available online are those that are easy to set up and integrate with one’s existing marketing tools. Often, AI chatbots require complex coding that is not accessible to marketing teams due to the budget and skills required for setup. Automated Chat Bot Assistant by Life of Automation is an ideal alternative because it does not require any coding whatsoever. Automated Chat Bot Assistant by Life of Automation is designed specifically for Facebook Messenger, which is the marketing platform with the highest level of engagement rates and customer reach.

As marketing trends go, chatbots aren’t new, but Messenger bots have only recently become easy to make. Anyone in the digital marketing industry understands that technologies, platforms, innovations, and trends rise and fall rapidly.

Chatbots are one of the most fluctuation trends on the market. Some chatbots companies rise and then fold within just a few months. When it comes to Messenger bots, Facebook is adding new capabilities and features on a regular basis.

Plus, chatbot developers themselves are making the process of creating a chatbot easier than ever.

All of this information hasn’t become widespread, meaning that many marketing teams just aren’t aware about how easy it is to have a chatbot up and running.

Good news: Automated Chat Bot Assistant by Life of Automation will only cost you $250/month.

You can request to upgrade and change messaging content and responses anytime.

You can create a complete Messenger bot in less than one minute. Automated ChatBot Assistant has a complete library of pre-built Messenger bot templates for many industries such as agencies, realtors, ecommerce, podcasts, doctor’s offices, and real estate. When you use and customize these templates, you can have an entire beginning-to-end marketing cycle created for your business.

With chatbots, interacting with customers is seamless and fully automated.

What would previously take hundreds of hours requires only the time required to set up a chatbot. (And setting up a chatbot doesn’t take much time at all.)

In the old days, yes, this would be 100% true. In the past, in order to see the messages that your customers sent you, you had to dig through the labyrinthine Facebook Business page to see a whole bunch of messages (DOP! How did I miss them?) that customer had sent you when the click on the “Message” button on your website.

One of the reasons why marketers love chatbots is because it is one of the few methods that allows marketers to engage on a personal level at scale with hundreds or thousands of contacts.

Automated Chat Bot Assistant are capable of executing thousands of tasks, from the mundane (ordering pizza) to the magical (finding the love of their life). The sheer potential of Messenger bots is mind-boggling, and that fact alone may cause some people to shy away from trying to use them.

There are hundreds of possibilities, but here are highlighted some of the top Facebook chatbot strategies that MobileMonkey users are doing every day.

  • Comment guard – Connect a Messenger bot to an organic Facebook post. Everyone who comments on the post is automatically invited to join your Facebook Messenger contact list. Boost the organic post to gain exponentially more contacts!
  • Chat blasting – Send a Messenger chat to a select group of contacts or a huge group of contacts, all at once. The open rates average from 50-80%, and the response rates blow email out of the water.
  • Click to messenger ad – It’s like a Facebook ad, except instead of driving CTRs to a landing page, you add contacts to Facebook Messenger where you can launch a drip campaign, segment them, and remarket them for life.
  • Chat widget – Pop this little plugin on any page of your website, and bam, you have an instant way to gain massive amounts of Facebook Messenger contacts. If you have WordPress, the plugin is an absolute breeze to set up.

An Automated Chat Bot Assistant is an ideal alternative to Chatfuel. Some marketers find Chatfuel difficult to use. The free plan offered by Chatfuel has such limited functionality that it makes it difficult to determine if moving to a paid plan is a good idea. Using Automated Chat Bot Assistant allows you create your own bot with low cost.

You can create chatbots that are part of your marketing services to clients. First, understand your client’s goals and needs, then pitch a Facebook chatbot as a solution. You can charge an upfront fee for the development of the chatbot and an ongoing fee for management and subscription fees (if required). 

Messenger bots are one of the fastest-growing and highest-ROI marketing channels available today, so it’s a smart move to begin offering them as part of your agency or freelance marketing services. 

The best Facebook Messenger bots as determined by success rate, often have similar characteristics. Upon analyzing thousands of successful chatbots created in Life of Automation, the best Facebook Messenger bots have these similarities:

  • Clear subscribe and unsubscribe instructions
  • Easy to answer questions
  • Multiple choice answers
  • Use of gifs and images
  • A short, punchy, and personal style
  • Easy instructions for returning to the main menu or getting answers to a question
  • The ability to respond to a variety of user inputs, even if it’s “Sorry, I’m just a bot.”
  • The ability to switch to a live operator if necessary

Customers actually enjoy interacting with bots, especially when the bots have been developed carefully and with the user in mind.

Automated Chat Bot Assistant will cost only $250/month.

The only technology you need to create a chatbot is your Facebook page, a chatbot builder, and your brain, if brains can be called a technology. Chatbots, especially Facebook bots, have become so commonplace that any marketer regardless of skill level or budget can create a chatbot within minutes. Facebook Messenger chatbots are the best place to start. 

Life of Automation Automated Chat Bot Assistant is the ideal platform for customer-support related issues. Automated Chat Bot Assistant allows you to turn your imagination into reality.

You can create a bot that answers real-world questions by requesting it to the Automated Assistant.

A solid real estate chatbot template is available at Life of Automation Automated Assistant. The bot automatically segments users according to buyers, sellers, and renters, so you can find out how to best serve potential clients. 

The easiest way to build a Messenger chatbot is to select a Facebook Messenger chatbot builder — software that allows you to create questions, answers, options, and other things to connect with your audience. Automated Chat Bot Assistant makes it extremely fast and easy to build a Messenger chatbot. Since most chatbots follow the same flow, all you need to do is open the chatbot builder, customize it with your specific verbiage, and flip it on.

Yes. The most popular way to add Messenger chatbots to a website is to add an unobtrusive persistent widget to each page. You can customize the look and position, but usually, the widget lives in the lower right-hand corner of the website. You can set these up by using the WordPress plugin, WP-Chatbot.

You can use Messenger chatbots to view styles, browse products, process orders, provide shipping updates, and answer common questions. Messenger chatbots on eCommerce websites can function as de facto fashion consultants, helping a customer understand exactly what size, color, or style, they may want to purchase. Once the customer has purchased, Messenger chatbots can assist all the way through to delivery (or returns) of the product with order confirmations, shipping updates, and other information.

Messenger chatbots are a targeted and effective lead generation technique. Life of Automation’s Automated Chat Bot Assistant has acquired tens of thousands of leads using this chatbot, and our clients have gained hundreds of thousands more. 

Lead generation chatbots typically provide free offers or information, and drive the customer through a sequence of qualifying questions, often ending with a free consultation or invitation to join a Facebook group.

The great thing about using Messenger bots for lead generation is that you can segment your audience. Using segmentation features such as budget, size, interest, etc., means that your marketing efforts will be highly successful. 

The benefits of Facebook Messenger chatbots is that they provide effectiveness of a messaging platform at scale. In other words, rather than spend your time replying to or messaging individual customers, you can deploy a chatbot that automates the entire process.

Another major benefit of Facebook Messenger chatbots is their sheer marketing effectiveness. For example, when compared to email, the marketing channel with the greatest similarity, Messenger bots are as much as 50x more effective. Messenger bots have, on average, 80% open rates and 20% click-through rates. 

Cost savings is also a benefit. Chatbots are free if you use a free chatbot builder like Life of Automation Automated ChatBot Assistant.

Facebook Messenger chatbots are incredibly versatile, which is another significant benefit of using chatbots. You can create a lead magnet chatbot, a drip campaign Messenger chatbot, or simply a helpful customer service chatbot. The possibilities are endless.

The best Facebook Messenger marketing tool is using Facebook Messenger chatbots. Find a Messenger chatbot builder that is free and easy to use, and you can use the power of Facebook Messenger chatbots in your marketing. 

There are many ways that people can discover your business’s messenger bot. The first way is from your website. If you add a Facebook Messenger widget to your website, you can invite people to join your Messenger contact list directly from any page on your site. Usually, this takes the form of a simple “Can we help you” question that opens a conversation in Facebook Messenger.

The second way that people can access your Messenger bot is through your Facebook Business page. By default, Facebook provides a “Send Message” button in the upper right corner of a Facebook Business page. If a customer sends a message to your Facebook Business page, they will be added to your Messenger list.

The third method is through organic posts on Facebook. When you create an organic post, you have the option of allowing people to Send a Message in reply. You can also create an organic post with an auto-responder. This allows any post commenters to automatically receive a response that allows them to opt into your Messenger list. 

A final method of promoting your Messenger bot is by creating a click-to-Messenger ad. Click-to-Messenger ads allow people to act a Messenger bot sequence when they respond to your ad. 

The best way to create a chatbot from scratch is to do so using a Facebook messenger chatbot builder. Many Facebook Messenger chatbot builders provide templates, which provide a handy starting point if you’re not used to creating Messenger chatbots.

Other chatbot builders like Automated Chat Bot Assistant allow you to request various features into your Automated Assistant, making it simple and straightforward to design a chatbot from scratch. 

Yes, it is possible to create chatbots without having to do any coding. Code-free chatbot creation is the preferred way for most marketers. It is more costly to create a chatbot using code than it is to develop a chatbot using a chatbot building software. 

As long as you have the right chatbot builder platform, creating a chatbot does not require any coding whatsoever.

A recruiting chatbot can perform many of the tasks that recruiters would carry out manually. Messenger bots for recruiting are an ideal entry point for candidates, since they can simply send a Messenger message in response to a job posting. The Messenger bot can then take on the task of pre-screening the candidate, getting information from the candidate, and even scheduling an interview with a hiring manager.

The most profitable Messenger chatbots are those that focused on marketing KPIs like conversions. Many Messenger chatbots offer customer support, which is undoubtedly helpful in marketing. But chatbots can also make a difference on a company’s bottom line. By attracting new Messenger list subscribers and placing those subscribers in a chatbot drip campaign, you have a high likelihood of gaining valuable conversions.

The best chatbot builder on the market today is the Automated Chat Bot Assistant. Automated Chat Bot Assistant was identified by Facebook as the fastest-growing chatbot builder. Users build hundreds of chatbots a day on Life of Automation for businesses from dentist offices to SaaS corporations.

Chatbot creation can be tricky, especially when coding is involved. With Automated Chat Bot Assistant, however, no coding is required. The Assistant will take care of it.

Once someone joins your Facebook Messenger list, you can send them any number of promotional updates within their first 24 hours. After 24 hours, you can send them one promotional update. Facebook calls this the 24+1 Facebook Messenger rule.

Chatbots are the only way to successfully send these promotional messages. As soon as a new contact enters your Messenger contact list, you can send them a bot sequence that can segment them, lead them through your marketing funnel, or provides other opportunities for them to engage with your business.

Subscription messaging is Facebook’s method of requiring approval before Business Pages can send promotional updates to their Messenger contact list. Facebook subscription messages are where the real power of Facebook Messenger marketing comes into play.

In order to send Facebook subscription messages to your contact list, you’ll first need to apply and be approved by Facebook. Once you are approved, you can send non-promotional messages to this audience whenever you want.

Facebook requires a stringent non promotional policy for these messages. There are 17 possible case-uses, and you must select one of them for your message.

It’s not hard at all to create a Facebook chatbot. It is possible to deploy a fully-customized chatbot sequence with just a couple of minutes of tweaking, as long as you’re using a chatbot builder like Automated Chat Bot Assistant.

Chatbot builders like Automated Chat Bot Assistant. have simplified the Facebook chatbot creation process. Instead of coding, all you have to do is provide information then the Automated Assistant will work on it. Automated Chat Bot Assistant has an array of ready-to-use templates for the most common chatbot marketing tactics.

The best Facebook Messenger tools for brands and marketers is a robust Messenger chatbot builder.

To create a Messenger chatbot, all you’ll need is a Facebook Business page and a Messenger chatbot builder.

A Facebook bot is a computer program that creates and controls a phony Facebook account. Please note that Facebook bots are different from Facebook Messenger bots. Messenger bots are programs that automate tasks and messages in Facebook Messenger, and are 100% valid and trustworthy.

Most Facebook Messenger chatbots today are created using a chatbot builder. Messenger chatbot builders are online apps that allow users to create an account, connect their Facebook Business page, and then start developing a Messenger bot without having to do any coding.

There are many types of Messenger chatbots. One of the most common types of chatbots works a lot like a website navigation menu. You present the user with a list of options from which they can choose. For example, a restaurant chatbot might have four options — Make a Reservation, See the Menu, Order Food, More Information. Users then select the option that is most relevant to them.

Other chatbots are specifically designed to get information from users. These lead generation Messenger chatbots often provide an offer to the user, but require some level of information before the offer can be finalized. For example, you offer your leads free tickets to a webinar, and in the process of applying for the free ticket, you secure their email address and other information.

The most straightforward way of monetizing Messenger bots are by driving conversions through chatbots. For instance, a restaurant can facilitate online orders through their chatbot, an agency can pre-screen leads who have $15,000 monthly ad spend, a personal trainer can schedule a free one-on-one consultation with a potential client, and a real estate agent can schedule showings for the properties has listed.

Marketing agencies can monetize bot creation, by offering this service to their clients. Many customers are willing to open up an additional high-value marketing channel, and want to outsource this project to their marketing agency. Agencies and freelancers can offer a one-time cost per chatbot creation (e.g., $600), and then a monthly payment for maintaining the chatbot (e.g. $50).

The reason why chatbots are one of the fastest-growing marketing channels available today is precisely because they drive such high engagement and are so easily monetized.

Chatbots can help acquire customers much the same way that email attracts customers — by engaging them and presenting them with an offer. In fact, chatbots have far higher open rates and click through email rates than email.

One of the most direct ways to drive conversions through Facebook Messenger is with a lead generation bot. This bot presents potential customers with an offer, and allows them to funnel through to a consultation call or other conversion opportunity. Another technique, drip campaign Messenger bots, nurture a lead through a series of questions and answers that can also increase conversions.

Customers will join your Messenger list through a variety of different sources — on your website, a landing page, your Facebook Business page, a boosted post, a click-to-messenger ad, or even a Messenger scan code.

Hundreds of millions of people already use Facebook Messenger in their regular day-to-day communication method. When presented with an opportunity to interact with a business on Facebook Messenger, it’s easy and appealing. For this reason, you can rapidly grow your Facebook Messenger list, and, in turn, your number of customers.

It’s easy to create a Messenger chatbot specifically designed for lead generation. Life of Automation has a lead generation template that allows users to get a free ticket to an event. You can, of course, customize it for any kind of free offer you have — a white paper, a download, or some other, etc. The chatbot then. 

In addition to generating leads, you can also qualify leads using a Messenger chatbot. When you qualify these leads, you can boost your conversion rate while also reducing the time required to vet new potential clients.

Generating leads and qualifying leads using Facebook Messenger is highly effective, saving time for marketers, increase lead quality, and lowering overall cost per acquisition.

Based on customer engagement rates, the answer is a clear yes. Most Facebook Messenger subscribers remain a subscriber for the long term, even though opting out at anytime is available. Furthermore, with 80+% open rates and 20+% click through rates on most messages, there is strong indication that customers appreciate using bots.

Messenger bots are a highly convenient way for customers to get information, place orders, get updates, and interact with the business without having to interact with a human. Besides, since Messenger bots are available 24/7, there is the added convenience of constant availability.

It’s probably no surprise, but Facebook Messenger is a brilliant tool for surveys and feedback. For far too long, marketers have depended on clunky and/or intrusive apps, popups, emails, or other forms of gaugaing customers satisfaction.

It’s notoriously difficult for customers to fill out surveys, which means that many marketers are forced to incentivize these surveys, leading to diminished or untrustworthy results.

Facebook Messenger chatbots are a new solution. A survey using Messenger bots are quick and interactive, which motivates customers to reply and continue through the completion of the survey. If you choose, you can also provide rewards to users for completing the survey, also facilitated using a Messenger chatbot.

According to data from Facebook, there are more than 80 million Facebook Business pages, but only 300,000 Messenger bots in use by these pages. This indicates a huge disconnect between the potential of chatbots and the actual utilization of chatbots.

Facebook Messenger chatbots are always on, every day, all the time. In fact, this is one of the primary reasons that marketers love chatbots so much.

The data says yes. And there’s really no contest. Facebook Messenger chat blasts, a type of Messenger bot, has 70-80% open rates in the first sixty minutes. Most chatbots have a 20% or higher click through rate, compared with the less than 5% with email.  Live chat functionality, of which Facebook Messenger chatbots are at the helm, increase the likelihood that customers will buy a product or service. A 20% lift in conversions and a 305% boost in ROI has a major bottom line impact!

Here’s how you can know if your message has been read by the recipient on Facebook Messenger:

  • Messages on desktop small view: Underneath your sent message, you’ll see the following gray text: √ Seen 10:10 AM (or whatever time the recipient read the message)
  • Messages on desktop larger view: To the right of the message, you’ll see the recipient’s profile picture if they’ve viewed the message. When you mouseover the message, it will display the date and time that they read the message.
  • Messages on mobile app: A date and time will appear in light gray below the read message.

Some third-party Facebook Messenger chatbot builders have an integrated analytics platform that displays read rates, click-through rates, and other relevant data. To get deeper intel on messages sent from a Facebook Business Page, use a platform like Automated Chat Bot Assistant.

Automated Chat Bot Assistant provides a full suite of Facebook Messenger analytics including visual graphing of trends, contact acquisition rate, conversions and goals tracking, sessions, date range selection, and more.

Chatbots are clearly at the cutting edge of digital marketing trends. Unlike some digital marketing trends, which have a short shelf life, chatbots and Facebook Messenger chatbots specifically, are poised to have tremendous impact for years — probably closer to a decade.

There’s little that a chatbot can’t do from a customer service perspective. As a result, savvy managers are aggressively pursuing more bot-automated customer service functions. It’s easy to see why. In 2016, BI Intelligence estimated that chatbots could save more than $60 billion in salary costs.

Customer service Messenger bots can do the following:

  • Track orders
  • Provide delivery times
  • Send receipts or invoices
  • Make reservations
  • Schedule meetings
  • Provide tickets
  • Create coupons
  • Send satisfaction surveys
  • Get directions
  • Get store hours

And, at anytime, a customer can request a live human operator to take over from where the chatbot left off. Chatbots are effectively replacing millions of human hours of potential work, which lowers costs for businesses.

The most popular messaging apps in the world are as follows, ordered from largest at the top:

  • Whatsapp – 1.5 billion monthly active users
  • Facebook Messenger – 1.3 billion monthly active users
  • WeChat – 1 billion monthly active users
  • QQ Mobile – 803 million monthly active users
  • Skype – 300 million monthly active users
  • Snapchat – 287 million monthly active users
  • Viber – 260 million monthly active users
  • Telegram – 200 million monthly active users
  • LINE – 194 million monthly active users

Facebook owns both Messenger and Whatsapp, making them Facebook as a company major messaging app player. Facebook is merging its three main messaging platforms — Whatsapp, Facebook Messenger, and Instagram, which means that Facebook will dominate the global messaging ecosystem.

Yes – using our built-in integrations for Webhooks and Zapier, you can integrate Automated Chat Bot Assistant with leading CRMs and marketing automation platforms including:

  • Google Sheets
  • Twitter
  • Gmail
  • Slack
  • Mailchimp
  • Google Calendar
  • Trello
  • Facebook Lead Ads
  • Google Drive
  • Facebook Pages
  • Typeform
  • ActiveCampaign
  • Airtable
  • Google Forms
  • ClickFunnels
  • HubSpot
  • Asana
  • Instagram
  • Gravity Forms
  • Pipedrive
  • Google Contacts
  • HubSpot CRM
  • Dropbox
  • Salesforce
  • Calendly
  • YouTube
  • Todoist
  • Stripe
  • WordPress
  • Evernote
  • Acuity Scheduling
  • Discord
  • Microsoft Office 365
  • Wufoo
  • Shopify
  • Twilio
  • JotForm
  • WooCommerce
  • Pinterest
  • Eventbrite
  • Wunderlist
  • Zoho CRM
  • Jira
  • Intercom
  • Google Tasks
  • QuickBooks Online
  • Excel
  • Podio
  • Toggl
  • Zendesk
  • SurveyMonkey
  • ConvertKit
  • GitHub
  • Xero
  • Google Docs
  • LinkedIn
  • Zoom
  • Freshdesk
  • Squarespace
  • Unbounce
  • MeisterTask
  • PayPal
  • Teachable
  • Cognito Forms
  • ScheduleOnce
  • Infusionsoft
  • Smartsheet
  • Constant Contact
  • Buffer
  • Drip
  • Pocket
  • Webflow
  • Basecamp 3
  • Agile CRM
  • MySQL
  • AWeber
  • Wave
  • ClickSend SMS
  • Kajabi
  • Insightly
  • Streak
  • LionDesk
  • MailerLite
  • Tumblr
  • Copper
  • Harvest
  • LinkedIn Lead Gen Forms
  • ChatWork
  • OmniFocus
  • SendinBlue
  • Campaign Monitor
  • WebMerge
  • Square
  • OneNote
  • Formstack
  • Google Cloud Print
  • GoToWebinar

Why Businesses Love Us

David Young

“Visionaries: A Bot & Customer Service Like No Other! I love that this is a Nick Medz & Life of Automation team product. He always has an award winning support team too!”

Linda Foster

“Automated Chat Bot Assistant allowed us to automate a lot of the generic responses, as well as answering questions while we were asleep here in New York. So by the time we woke up, we would already have $5,000-$7,000 in revenue simply because people targeted in other time zones had already found the answers to their questions.”

Arman Ceno

“We are incorporating Automated Chat Facebook bot Assistant products into plans for as many clients as possible through offering comment guard, paid messaging campaigns on Facebook, and the chat widget on websites.”