Automate Your Life With A Virtual Assistant
Life of Automation has one goal in mind. To equip and empower aspiring, new, and seasoned entrepreneurs with the tools and resources that will automate their personal and professional lives.
Save time, headaches, and hassle without compromising quality. Hire one of our skilled assistants today.

Automate Your Life
Our highly trained and experienced assistants can help implement the right systems, processes, and tools to automate your business and life by at least 40%
Communicate With An Assistant That's Available 24/7
We provide you with the convenience to work and communicate with your assistant virtually from anywhere in the world with just an internet connection
We provide a wide range of services
Administrative Assistant
The Administrative Assistant takes care of all those mundane, daily tasks that take up too much of your time. With excellent communication skills, a high level of situational awareness, and much more, the Administrative Assistant will always have your back.
Executive Assistant
The Executive Assistant will allow you to take care of only the most essential tasks, never allowing too much of your precious time to be taken up. Being able to do a wide variety of things, The Executive Assistant is exactly what you need.
Specialized Assistant
The Specialized Assistant is precisely as its name implies, a specialist. The Specialized Assistant is capable of masterfully taking on web design, SEO, and many more important tasks that may not be your strong point. The Specialized Assistant can take them all on and do a fantastic job at them.
Web design & branding
A great brand combines design and conveys company’s value messaging to evoke emotion and drive strategy.
Graphic Design
Rich experience plus unlimited imagination create our successful service discovered by clients.
Video Production
Creating and handling professional video is our strong point. It plays major role in your digital business strategy.
We provide everything your site needs to perform at it’s highest capabilities on the major search engines.
Digital Marketing
We do collateral design, interactive design, hoarding, signage, presentation centres, and more.
Turn your data into captivating artwork that will keep your audience engaged. Our team can help you with it.
If you have any questions, please contact us
Our support team always provide you with high-quality consultations and love to answer any questions that you have concerning our services.
Why choose our assistants for your projects?
They are a command of professional and enthusiastic people, who like what they do and are always in the process of growing and improving their skills.
Completed projects to the end by our specialists.
A large team of the best specialists.
Customers who were satisfied with our work.
Our values are good organization and result orientation.
Steps of our work
Meeting with Your Account Manager
Meeting your account manager is a process to understand your objectives and demands. We will set a plan on how to best meet these goals and needs, and how to generate results for your business.
Complete A questionnaire
Answering this questionnaire allows our team to determine what kind of Virtual Assistant is best suited to help you on your journey to automate your life.
Discussion & confirmation of the details
Our team thoroughly analyzes and checks everything to ensure that we are both on the same page, ensuring that we will be able to correct any issues as soon as possible.
Virtual Assistant Selection Process
We begin your Life of Automation by selecting what Virtual Assistant we think would be best for you based on your needs…
Congrats! You're ready to Meet your New Assistant!
The Virtual Assistant is now ready to help you in improving your professional and personal life; taking you to heights never before thought achievable.